Why You Should Choose to be a Financial Advisor

Why You Should Choose to be a Financial Advisor


A financial advisor is usually someone who helps people manage their finances. Most financial advisors work with insurance and finance companies, including financial investment firms, banks, insurance carriers and securities and commodity brokers. However, some financial advisors are self-employed or operate small investment advisory firms. The reasons to become a financial advisor is the range of opportunities it offers that is not available in many career fields.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the employment of financial advisors is expected tao increase by 7% between 2018 to 2028. It also has a projected growth of 15% up to 2024, which is significantly higher. The reason is the increased investment by individuals and businesses, retirement plans and the growing number of investment opportunities. Unlimited earning potential, flexible work schedule and the ability to tailor one’s practice are some of the reasons to become a financial advisor. The financial advisor career opportunity goes well beyond compensation. Here are some of the primary reasons to become a financial advisor:

  • Unlimited Earning Potential

For most financial advisors, there is no limit to income potential. These advisors are either fee-based, commission-based or a combination of both. The income of financial advisors depends on the amount of new business or recurring revenue created each year. While pay structure may differ, the financial advisor career opportunity gives the ability to earn as much, or as little, or as they are able to.

  • Flexible Working Hours

Starting a new career as a financial advisor can be challenging. However, once the client base is established, the financial advisor career opportunity lends itself flexible working hours. Experienced financial advisors have the advantage of scheduling the meetings as per their calendars. Sometimes they have the chance of working less than 40 hours a week, depending upon the client base they have.

  • Creativity in Practice

The reasons to become a financial advisor is the opportunity to serve the baby boomer generation to millennials. Advisors can also be creative in building their client bases from doctors, lawyers to entrepreneurs. They also provide a range of products and services including financial planning, life insurance, investment management and retirement plans.

  • Financial Confidence

Working and helping different types of clients through transition gives you financial confidence. This confidence allows you to know a well thought out plan and strategy to get through life irrespective of what cards you are dealt. Consumers are often excited and confused with the investment opportunities available for them. Offering meaningful advice and educating them to make suitable decisions is the most significant role a financial advisor can play. It equates the success of economic life in the clients to the success of a financial advisor.

Financial Advisors are the Saviours

When it comes to investing, people often say, “I can handle it on my own“. But do we repair our car or air conditioner? Build a computer? Fly our plane? No, we use a professional because of their education and experience. The same goes for your finances. Below-mentioned is the reasons why you need a financial advisor.

  • Keep Track of Your Investment

They know how to work the math and help you by keeping track of your investments. How much money should you save for your retirement? How can you make up for your losses? All these are taken care of by your financial advisor.

  • Help you Plan Your Investment

Financial advisors work on a wide range of financial tasks, including balancing your investments, tax planning, estate planning, long-term planning and spending strategies. A financial advisor helps you make the best decisions in these areas.

  • Everybody Needs Help!

Financial advisors provide you with a 360-degree view of your financial situations to give you advice on your weak areas and how to fix them. They educate you on making the wise money moves.

  • Save Your Time

Fidelity Program Participants Survey 2013 showed that every 3 out of 4 individuals are not confident about their investment choices. These advisors save the countless hours that you would spend elsewhere.

  • Keep Your Emotions in Check

A good financial advisor will always keep a check on your emotions too. They will encourage you to hold a balanced portfolio. Your feelings could make you take some not so smart decisions like withdrawing all the money and hiding it under the mattress. They don’t leave you alone with your investments.

The Bottom Line

If you are energized by the idea of earning a substantial amount through commissions, then becoming a financial advisor could be the suitable career for you. The right connections and the energy level to work within the network could help you succeed in this challenging career. The IIM MBA courses  provide a chance to tailor your curriculum according to your interests and career objectives. The second-year elective in Finance and Accounting have subjects like Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Risk Management, Corporate Valuation, which would help a financial advisor gain a competitive advantage.

Shadows and dark spots on the staircase are a sign of improper lighting. It can lead to accidents. To ensure safety and avoid any misfortunate happening, it is very important to make proper lighting arrangement to illuminate your stairs. Let us look more at using a lighting system on the staircase.

  • Invest Time in Planning

With a well-planned strategy, you can lighten the entire area properly using fewer lighting fixtures. The placement of light strips on every step is a good idea to enhance existing lighting conditions. It will also improve the aesthetics of the place. The use of task lighting is beneficial if you wish to go upstairs during night hours.

Sofary is a leading place to buy impressively designed chandeliers to enhance the beauty of a place. Here at https://www.sofary.com/collections/staircase-chandelier, you will find chandeliers in a broad range of styles such as spiral raindrop, moon-shaped, double sphere raindrop, floating castle round chandelier, etc.

  • Use Sound and Motion Detectors

The use of on/off switches to control the lighting has become outdated. Nowadays, sound detectors and motion detectors are used to switch on and off the lights. So, if these detectors sense any chance in sound/movement in the surroundings, it switches on by itself. This ensures that the area remains well-lit at all times.

  • Prefer Durable Lighting Fixtures

Looking at the importance of a lighting system, you must give priority to durability and quality when installing a light fixture. The LED lightings are long-lasting. It is important to check the batteries periodically and get them replaced whenever needed.

Placement of Lighting Fixture to Lighten the Staircase

A lighting fixture can be fixed at various places to illuminate a staircase.

  • On the Wall

Almost 99% of the staircase lies head-to-head to a minimum of one wall. This makes it easy to offer wiring for lighting. Mounted and recessed spots are popular options for wall lighting.

  • Downlighters On Stairs

Use downlighters to illumine your stairs. Choose to install it at a height (15 to 20 cm) over every third step. Such an arrangement will enable the uniform spreading of the light throughout the stairway. If you choose to install the lighting spots at a lower height, then you will require more spots.

  • With dipped spots

If you want to install lighting for aesthetic reasons, then you may not necessarily follow the ‘1 spot in every 3 steps’ rule. It is not mandatory to use spots to illumine your stairways. Look for a different type of lighting solution such as an LED strip.

  • Invisible lighting using LED strips

The glowing LED strips are an innovative way to lighten your stairway. It also looks very appealing. These strips can be built into your handrails so that the lighting source isn’t visible. The height of your handrail offers an excellent distribution of light on both sides of your stairway.


Stairway lighting is a very important feature that should never be overlooked. A dark stairway can be life-threatening. So, to prevent accidents, you should make proper lighting arrangements however small the staircase is. The above ideas will help improve the safety and beauty of your staircase.

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