Little One Comfortable

Best Baby Cold Remedies: Keep Your Little One Comfortable


It can be scary and confusing when your little one catches a cold. Babies are more prone to colds as their immune systems are still developing at a young age. This is why when your baby has a cold, it can feel worrisome and challenging, however, you can consult your paediatrician and if you have any concerns, you can always try some trusted home remedies for cold in babies. Some of these can help ease their trouble and make them more comfortable.

Here are some of the best remedies that you should try:

1. Saline Drops and Bulb Syringe

One of the simplest and most effective ways to relieve nasal congestion in babies is by using saline drops and a bulb syringe. You can easily make saline drops at home by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Hold your baby gently and put a few drops of saline in each nostril and then use a bulb syringe to suction out the mucus. This can help clear the nasal passages and make breathing easier for your baby.

2. Humidifier

It can be helpful to add a humidifier to your baby’s room. The humidifier adds moisture to the air which can loosen the mucus in your child’s nasal passage and ease congestion. This could be especially useful in the night when nasal congestion worsens. But one thing you must remember to do while using a humidifier is clean it regularly to avoid mold and bacteria buildup!

3. Breast Milk

Breast milk is not only a complete food for your baby but also has antibodies that can help fight off infections. If you are still feeding your baby, give them more feeds during the cold. Even the act of sucking can help clear congestion and add hydration.

4. Elevate the Head

Keep your baby’s head slightly elevated to make them breathe easier. You can achieve this by rolling a towel or a small pillow under the crib. This slight elevation can help keep their head raised and still prevent sliding.

5. Hydration

Hydration is important when your baby has a cold. It can help make the mucus thinner and easier to remove. If your baby is younger than six months, you can keep them hydrated through regular breast feeding or formula feeding. For babies that are older, you can give them smaller sips of water along with their regular feeds.


Dealing with a baby’s cold can be stressful, but these home remedies for cold in babies can make a significant difference in their comfort and recovery. Always remember to consult your paediatrician before you opt for any home remedies or if you have any concerns and if symptoms persist.

Keeping an eye on your baby’s health is crucial, and tools like a baby weight chart can help you monitor their overall well-being. Try these simple solutions to ensure that your little one feels comfortable. Remember, a little extra care and attention can help them stay away from infections and serious conditions.

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