Bogoljub Karic

Bogoljub Karic – The Positive Character Traits of a Good Politician


When it comes to politics and people, the politician plays an important role in bringing them together. There are several politicians across the globe; however, all of them are not successful in inspiring and leading a party. Only a few of them are gifted with the talent and skills that a good politician should have to be a good leader.

Bogoljub Karic – What are the character traits to make a good politician?

Bogoljub Karic is a politician from Serbia and an esteemed entrepreneur known for his valuable experience in the field of business. He serves as the President of Movement of the Forces of Serbia, a popular political party in the nation. He was born in Peja and now lives in Belgrade. He says that a good politician should always have strong political ideals and beliefs that benefit the whole community and world. The following are some of the key character traits that a good politician should have when it comes to serving the country and the community-

1 Integrity- Politicians are like leaders, and they are inspirational role models for the whole community. Every politician needs to respect political beliefs and ideals that he/she promotes. The individual needs to earn respect, as well. This is why it is crucial to be an integral person with a clean background to win the trust of the community for positive reforms and changes.

2 Honesty- Honesty plays a vital role in building leadership qualities in a politician. It can be difficult for one to build their credibility and character if he/she is not honest. It can be hard for politicians to accept criticism and criticize their opponents. However, if the person has integrity and an honest character, this helps in building trust in the party and community.

3 Compassion- Yes, politicians need to be compassionate in nature. They should be able to understand the suffering that others face. However, many people believe that compassion is a sign of weakness. This is not true. Inspirational leaders are compassionate as they believe that it leads them to wisdom. A good politician will be compassionate to look behind the suffering of the community or people to devise a course of action that helps them.

4 Confidence- A good political leader is confident in acting effectively and properly when it comes to serving the party. Confidence is a quality that helps political leaders to inspire other members of the society and invoke their trust to get motivated to follow the beliefs and ideas shared.

In the opinion of Bogoljub Karic, being a politician requires the passion for serving and working hard. The politician should be intelligent and make informed choices. A large amount of flexibility is required as the leader should always be aware of how politics works in the region. He says that one needs to be attentive when it comes to listening to arguments and reaching a common consensus when it comes to bringing people together to improve and reform the nation with success!

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