website development Sydney,

Customized website vs Generalised website, which one is optimal?


When it comes to owning a website, what’s better than operating a website that suits you well, meets your requirements, and brings you conversions. Well, it sounds great. However, only a customized website can stand out on these fancies of yours. Imagine this, you enter into a party having hundreds of men.

Which man will grab your attention? One who is wearing a loosely fit suit, or a dapper who is flaunting his tuxedo? The answer’s pretty obvious right! The same is the case with a website, an “off-the-shelf” website fails to deliver on the promises which it is supposed to. Your audience will only be attracted to you if you have a unique website.

If you are planning to get a new customized website for your business, you must consider Australian Internet Advertising. AIA is a website development SydneyMelbourne, and Brisbane-based company that offers web development services. Their team of experts analyses your business and the targeted audience.

With their extensive knowledge of market psychology, they deliver to you, the best possible website.

Benefits of tailored website

If you are still confused between a tailored website and an ‘off-the-shelf” website, here is a detailed list of reasons as to why you should consider a customized website over a generalized one:

1- What do you want from a website– It’s only you who know that what’s your intention of the business and what outcome do you expect to form the website? In cases of a customized website, they are very generic in nature and will not carry the basic idea of your business. However, a customized website is built from square one.

It carries your business idea and the message that you want to deliver to the audience.

2- Performance difference– When you choose a site-building platform to get a standard website, it comes ridden with obsolete functions which can never be done away with. However, that’s not the issue in custom web development services. When you use a custom website, you include exactly what you need.

While developing a custom website, you incorporate exactly those features which deliver the requirement of your business. This has a huge impact on the performance of the website and enhances the smooth flow of the web pages.

3- Better functioning– A customized website is like an athlete having a lean muscle body. It’s fit, it looks good and has better performance. As opposed to an obese “off-the-shelf” website, customized websites are fast to load. Since the speed of loading has a direct relation with bouncing off rate, fast-paced websites will always prevail over slow ones.

In addition to speed, customized websites also have longer session durations which makes them more stable.

4- Future proof and easy to change– While you are in the initial days of your business, you might be tight on budget and may feel like getting a standard website. However, you must remember that your business is going to grow but a standard “off-the-shelf” website would not be able to keep pace with it.

Since there is very little flexibility in the case of standard websites, you will have to stick to an old and redundant website even if you have progressed in your business. The only solution would be getting a new customized website from web developers.

Then why not skip to the latter option in the first place?

5- Exclusive to your identity– If you are using an “off-the-shelf” website, chances are that thousand if not millions are also using the same website theme. A website is like an ID card of your business, it’s the brochure of your business to the world. If your website is similar to thousands and hundreds of others,

When you are getting your custom-made website, you enjoy unlimited flexibility. You can add features that you like the most and are likely to make you stand out from the crowd. This gives you an image of a brand because a unique website sticks into the psyche of the customers.


Websites are effective for your business only when they are unique and carry your message to the world. Only customized websites are able to do that, and when the benefits of having a customized website are considered, it’s a no-brainer that you must choose a customized website over an “off-the-shelf” website.

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