Favourite Foreign Destination With

Fast-track Your TEFL Teaching In Your Favourite Foreign Destination With These Simple And Effective Tips


TEFL teaching is a profession that has gained more popularity as time passes by. Those individual who seeks a profession that enables them to explore new destinations, new cultures, and new experiences and make a positive impact on other’s life then for them becoming a TEFL teacher is one of the best profession to consider.

Moreover, there are plenty of benefits for TEFL teachers as well, because there’s a huge demand for TEFL teachers around every corner of the world and we can witness the proof from the below-given image. However, before packing your bag and starting your journey to your favourite destination, you must know about the fact that how soon you can start to teach in your favourite destination after obtaining your TEFL certificate.

No need to worry, because in this blog post, we will help you to get full clarity on how long it takes for any aspirant TEFL teacher who has obtained their TEFL certification successfully.

So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

Qualification Requirements

TEFL teaching profession can be tempting for those individuals who want to enjoy their life and work at the same time. However, the first step to having a successful TEFL teaching journey is you need to fulfil the qualification criteria. First, you need to obtain a TEFL certificate, which you can get by pursuing TEFL Courses from any reputable and accredited institute.

TEFL courses help learners to equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach students of non-native English speakers effectively.

Obtaining a TEFL Certification, teaches you what to expect and how you can manage non-native English-speaking students but it also opens the door offers plenty of TEFL teaching opportunities in your desired decisions.

Note: Course duration may vary depending on the level and duration which you will be choosing.

Types Of Teaching Jobs Available Abroad

Teaching jobs abroad can be broadly classified into two categories: ESL Jobs and Certified Teacher Jobs. Each category requires different qualifications and experiences.

Having a dream of being a TEFL teacher is fine, but TEFL teaching jobs are classified into two categories.

1. ESL Jobs and 2. Certified Teacher jobs

1. ESL Jobs

ESL (English as a Second Language) is a job position that doesn’t require an individual any major requirement, all you need to have is a TEFL certificate with you. The duration of pursuing a TEFL course depends on your choice like whether you want to pursue like- a 120-hour TEFL Course in Bangalore, 150hrs, or 200hrs.

However, most of the TEFL aspirants prefer to go with a 120-hour TEFL course which takes a maximum of 6 months or even less. If you have a dream of making a positive impact on non-native English speakers to help them learn English and live life happily in favourite destinations.

Note: We recommend you pursue your TEFL certification from an accredited and trust-worthy institute, which will give you an edge over others.

2. Certified Teacher Jobs

As the name suggests a certified teacher job we understand that you need to come from a good educational background and have the certificates required to teach in a reputable International school, college, university, or business school. All reputable institutes often require individuals to hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in education or if an individual pursues a specialized degree in any particular subject.

This kind of job position is more competitive and challenging to get which requires aspirant teachers to have a high level of expertise and knowledge to bag these roles and earn a good package of salary.

Visa Requirements

One of the most important requirements to travel to your favourite destination and start your TEFL teaching industry is to know the visa requirement of your chosen destination. Each and every country has different visa regulations and the time to get the visa successfully. Some of the countries have shortened and streamlined the process of getting visas and on the other hand, some countries may have more extensive visa application processes.

If you have chosen some popular destination for TEFL teachers then it’s a high chance that the process of getting a visa will be seamless and all the paperwork will be handled by the institute officials.

However, we still suggest that you do your own research and know every process and requirement of attaining a visa from your chosen destination to start your TEFL teaching journey.  Additionally, you should also know the time it may take to complete all the paperwork, background checks, and other administrative processes.

Choose Your Destination Wisely

After completing the TEFL certification, it’s quite obvious that you wanted to start your TEFL teaching journey ASAP! We understand that, to ensure that you start your TEFL career as early as possible by choosing the top TEFL destination where the demand for TEFL teachers is very high.

The Govt. of this destination wants to improve their people’s English proficiency skills and to achieve this they offer a seamless and fast process of every possible paperwork, background checks, and application process there is for TEFL teachers to teach there legally.

This will ensure that you will get to teach in this top TEFL destination sooner than you expected. Below we have shared the video of the top TEFL destination to ease out the process for you.

Help Yourself to Start Your TEFL Teaching Journey ASAP

It’s quite natural for any TEFL aspirants who have recently obtained their TEFL certification by pursuing courses like 120 hour TEFL Course in Bangalore to start their TEFL teaching journey to their favourite destination as soon as possible. However, it may take some time, which may make you impatient.

Moreover, we have shared various tips, which will help you to make the process faster than expected time to start your TEFL teaching journey in your favourite destination. Lastly, remember that with the right qualifications, research, and determination, you can soon find yourself teaching abroad and positively impacting your students’ lives.

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