Home Vacation Friendly

How to Make Your Home Vacation Friendly


With the current state of the world, alongside finances and commitments to our careers, sometimes it can be hard to start planning a vacation or some family time away. And when you can’t go abroad and explore the world, sometimes we end up being confined to our home- which can seem like a drag. Here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled our top tips on how to make your home vacation friendly.

Start By Planning:

Planning is the hardest thing to do when it comes to spending vacations at home. And for some reason, it always seems harder to plan activities and other things such as meals, routines and outdoor adventures than it does on a regular weekend or when you are abroad.

A great way to get around this is to plan, and make sure that you have everything you need beforehand and ahead of time. Get the green light from any friend playdates you want to do, and know how you’re going to get to certain venues etc.

Try to Appease All Your Children:

Some may say it’s bad parenting advice, but a great thing to do is to try and dedicate some time to each person. This way, everyone can feel special, and not like an afterthought as to what’s going on. Let each child essentially ‘host’ their own day, and this way they will feel involved, and it will give you a chance to sit back and let your child thrive!

Make it Competitive:

So that your children don’t get bored, it’s always healthy to encourage a little competition between them! Whether you decide to have a mini sports day in your garden or start a baking competition- this will keep all ears and attention on what is supposed to be happening and remove any time for crying or arguments.

Try Something New:

It’s always good to broaden your horizons and try something new- and when is a better time to try something new than when you’re spending your vacation time at home with your children? Whether its something unexpected that pushes you outside of your comfort zone, it’s a great thing to do. Pushing your boundaries can introduce not just your children, but you, into a new hobby or activity that you’re really interested in.

Treat Yourself!

Don’t forget to treat yourself! When the half term is over, it’s important that you reward yourself for essentially being a full-time day-care provider. Having children throughout vacations is hard, and just because you’re a parent doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the luxuries of life. Why not book a spa day just for you, or take a friend with you? Or have a weekend away…or even just splurge on something unnecessary that you don’t need! 

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