plagiarising tools

How to Prevent Plagiarism in Writing Thesis


When writing a thesis, it is important to avoid plagiarism! Plagiarism can be considered fraud. Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s ideas and text. It is important to prevent plagiarism. In three easy steps, we will show you how to prevent plagiarism from happening again.

Save the source

Using the source code in the running text

Referring to a reference list

Additional tips to prevent plagiarism


Keep it simple

It is a good idea to create a file with all your sources when you begin writing your thesis. Every article, web page or conversation should be saved as a source. This will prevent you from losing the source you used to create the text and making it difficult to locate it again. It is important that you ask yourself questions about the information you have used to base it. This is an important step to preventing plagiarism.

Use the source in your running text

A citation is required if you have a source you wish to use in your text. This can be done by adding the source’s last name and year in brackets after the text. Make it clear that the source you used to base your text is the source. You should read your writing carefully and look for sources of information.

Refer to a reference list

The list of sources should include all sources that you have used. You have several reference styles to properly note it. What is the APA style required for your education? This topic was the subject of an earlier blog. You can find all sources you used previously here. Personal communication, such as email, is not included. This should be done in the attachment and/or text with the indication “personal communication”.

Additional tips and how to use Paraphrasing tool

Do you have questions about whether or not to use a source in a particular piece of text? If in doubt, it’s better to identify the source. Resources are not often used enough. This increases the credibility of your thesis. It is stronger to support your conclusions with evidence.

As an interview, you can include personal communication in the appendix. It is important to show proof that you made the communication. It can be read somewhere via an interview.

Plagiarism can happen unintentionally at any time. You want to ensure that this is not the situation? Next, you can run the plagiarism check of Scribbr. This will tell you within 10 minutes if your piece has been plagiarising. Do you prefer not to spend money on paraphrasing? We found a free to perform paraphrasing online for you. Paraphrase will alter the text in blue, which will eventually prevent plagiarism.


 Do you need extra help? Ask online consultants for proofreading and paraphrasing assistance to help you get started. It would be desirable that your thesis does not contain plagiarism..

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