Translation Vs Interpretation


What is translation and interpretation? What are the main differences between translation and interpretation?

What are the types of interpretation?

Why is interpretation important?

What are the common principles of translation and interpretation?

What are the advantages of translation and interpretation for clients, interpreters, and translators?

What is translation and interpretation? What are the main differences between translation and interpretation?

Translation simply deals with a written content while interpretation deals with a spoken language either simultaneously or consecutively. This is the basic difference between translation and interpretation.


A translator basically conveys a meaning of a written content from a source language into a target language. During the translation process, a translator can utilize a wide range of tools to achieve his/her purpose, such as translation memory and term base embedded in translation software such as Trados and MemoQ. These tools facilitate the translator’s mission and ensure that a written content will be accurately and instantly translated. Moreover, translators have the chance and time for deep research through written materials such as printed documents and online digital sources.


Unlike translation, interpretation focuses on conveying the meaning of a spoken content simultaneously or consecutively. While a translator interprets every detail, an interpreter focuses on the paraphrasing. An interpreter is assigned for interpretation of meetings, conferences, live shows, and interviews. Interpreters must be able to work under stress and have excellent communication skills because the interpretation is instantly done in the real time.

What are the types of interpretation?

There are various types of interpretation which can be summarized as follows:

  • Consecutive Interpretation:During the consecutive interpretation, an interpreter is allowed to take notes while he/she listens to a speaker and then delivers the interpreted message into the target language. When a speaker is talking, an interpreter remains silent till a speaker pauses.
  • Simultaneous Interpretation:A simultaneous interpreter translates a spoken content from a source language into a target language instantly within milliseconds without any interruption. This mode of interpretation is highly demanded when diverse audiences are engaged in a serious matter, such as political conferences. Simultaneous interpretation is the most challenging mode of translation because interpreters don’t have time for searching like translators. This is so much stressful.
  • Whispered Interpretation: It is a mode of interpretation during which an interpreter listens to a message in a source language and translates it by “whispering” in the client’s ears with a quiet voice. It is similar to the simultaneous interpretation where a translator has to listen, understand, and convey the meaning instantly.
  • Over-phone Interpretation:It is a mode of interpretation which can be done remotely over phone. While the body language and facial expressions play a great role in interpretation, the over-phone interpretation doesn’t allow an interpreter to get this advantage.
  • AI Interpretation: With the AI Revolution which reached each industry, interpretation can be also done by AI platforms. Although this mode of interpretation has many important features such as (availability, cost saving, fast data analysis, improved efficiency, problem solving, and handling repetitive tasks), it can’t be trusted; especially in important conferences and meetings. You can read the advantages and disadvantages of the AI-empowered translation and decide which texts that can be interpreted by AI platforms.

Why is interpretation important?

Since the globalization came into our world, there is an increasing need to the interpretation and translation services in order to overcome the linguistic borders. Through interpretation, people and organizations can communicate and exchange information and sales. It is an essential component for legal, healthcare, governmental, law enforcement, social services, and business industries. To explain the important role of legal interpretation, let us imagine a victim and judge who speak different languages. How can a victim express his /her case and how can a judge understand and make an informed ruling without the interpretation services?! Not only the legal industry needs the interpretation, it is used in all aspects of life.

What are the common principles of translation and interpretation?

As explained in this article above, interpretation is based on speech while translation is based on texts. However, the translation and interpretation have common principles summarized as follows:

  • Clarity: A translated or interpreted text must be clear and can be understood by target audience.
  • Accuracy: Translators and interpreters must be accurate and concise to avoid any fatal mistakes that might result in catastrophic consequences.
  • Conveying the Original Intent: The intent of an original author or speaker must be conveyed by a translator and interpreter. Due to cultural and linguistic differences between languages, a translator or interpreter may make some changes; however, the intent of the original text must be maintained.
  • Easy to Understand: Translators and interpreters should use the easiest terminology and linguistic structures which can be easily understood by the target audience.

What are the advantages of translation and interpretation for clients, interpreters, and translators?

Clients can benefit from the advantages of translation and interpretation as explained below:

  • Building Strong Relations: Through translation and interpretation services, people, organizations, governments, and countries can easily communication and build fruitful relationships in all industries, including political, economic, legal, medical, and cultural industries.
  • Driving Sales: If you are a trader and intend to reach your clients across the borders, you definitely need translation, interpretation, and localization services. To introduce your products and services and drive your sales, you have to talk to your target audience through using their mother language.
  • Enhancing the Exchange of Ideas and Information: Without translation and interpretation, you can’t get any knowledge of other nations who speak different languages. Ideas and information are now easily exchanged due to the translation revolution.

Translators and interpreters benefit from translation and interpretation services as explained below:

  • Good Earning: Income is the most important criterion for any career path. Interpretation and translation generate good income; whether as a basic salary or freelance fees. The average salaries are highly variable depending on multiple factors. Read more about the criteria for calculating the cost of translation.
  • Job Growth: The need to interpreters and translators is expected to increase in the coming years. This is due to the global communication, advanced technology, and increasing demand to linguistic services in various industries such as legal and healthcare.
  • Cultural Learning: Interpreters and translators have a higher potential to learn and have knowledge of other cultures. They know about customs, traditions, laws, cultures, and lifestyles of other countries.
  • Social Network: As an interpreter or translator, you can have contacts with many people including clients, coworkers, and professionals in other industries.


Due to the digital revolution and globalization, translation and interpretation became a basic component for successful and cooperative relations between people, corporations, organizations, and countries.

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