Mobile Experiences That Customers Love

What You Need To Create Mobile Experiences That Customers Love


In today’s marketplace, consumers are using their mobile phones to learn about new products and services. People say their mobile device is important to them. This means that more and more people are relying on their phones for commerce, communication, and access to information.

A recent study found that 9 in 10 smartphone owners who describe a mobile experience from a brand as helpful would buy from that brand again. Consumers are satisfied with the experience they get when shopping online via their mobile device. It also found that the majority of shoppers would prefer to use their phones to shop online instead of their desktop or laptop computers.

Make sure your business is where your customers are.

Take a look at your customer data and identify a specific area or segment that could benefit from improving their mobile experience. Then focus on building an app or website that completely addresses their needs. You might find that users in this niche are more likely to use the app or website regularly, which will help you build a stronger user base.

If you want to build a mobile app for an existing customer base, make sure that you know where they are spending most of their time first. If you already know that they mostly use Facebook Messenger, then start there. If they mainly use Snapchat, then build a Snapchatgeofilter campaign on top of that insight. If all of them are using Instagram Stories, then create Instagram Stories ads that lead back to your website or landing page.

Draw from all of your customer data, not just mobile data.

It’s easy for mobile users to get stuck in one location and have limited opportunities for browsing. So make sure your business is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection even if it means creating a desktop version of your site as well as a mobile version. This way, people can use the site on whichever device they prefer at any given moment and become accustomed to using both platforms over time.

Consider how a customer will actually feel using the product you’re designing.

When you design for mobile experiences, you should take into account more than just how easy it is for someone to use your product from their phone. You also need to consider how comfortable they will feel doing so especially if they’re in an unfamiliar location or doing something out of the ordinary with their phone. The best way to understand how people will feel using something is by putting yourself in their shoes

Engage customers after they leave your site.

The post-purchase experience is critical for customer retention and loyalty. It’s also a great opportunity to upsell and cross-sell, as well as to build brand advocacy and trust.

In addition to the post-purchase follow-up, it’s important to provide a seamless experience across all customer touch points, including email, social media, phone calls, in-store visits and more.

Developing a successful mobile experience requires a lot of work and collaboration, but the payoff can be huge.

In the end, it will be important for businesses to create a mobile experience that keeps users coming back again and again. What’s more, they’ll need to make sure that this mobile experience is easily accessible through a clear and easy-to-navigate mobile website or app. Only then will businesses be able to convert those mobile visits into paying customers.

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